Hillside Home Outdoor Adventure

The challenge of this site was that it appeared to be the worst lot in the neighborhood - due to the slope and low wet area almost none of it was usable. Now it is the best lot - with lots of enjoyable areas for both people and wildlife.

The challenge of this site was that it appeared to be the worst lot in the neighborhood - due to the slope and low wet area almost none of it was usable. After a fun design process with Jacobs Grant Design ltd, it is the best lot - with lots of enjoyable areas for both people and wildlife.

Once a sloped lawn area a low retaining wall holds back the slope and makes this a lovely

A large area of overgrowth at the bottom of the property was choked with honeysuckle and was saturated with water. It is now a lovely area that only needs to be mowed occasionally.


Graceful Yard for a Graceful Home


New Albany Big Party Patio